About tony

Posts by tony

A man walking and using his smartphone. £1.3 billion was stolen through fraud and scams in 2021. Here’s what you need to know to protect your assets

In 2021, fraudsters stole £1.3 billion from consumers, according to a UK Finance report. The loss can be devastating to victims, both financially and emotionally. As criminals use increasingly sophisticated tactics, it is more important than ever that you’re aware of the red flags. This huge sum is despite the efforts of the banking and

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A man looking at graphs and data on a computer screen. Market volatility can be attention-grabbing, but you should focus on these 3 areas instead

The last couple of years have been challenging for investors. Factors outside of your control are likely to have led to your portfolio experiencing volatility.  However, while market performance often grabs news headlines and your attention, the short-term movements of your portfolio shouldn’t be your main focus.  Market volatility characterised the first half of 2022

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