About tony

Posts by tony

Investment market update: November 2020

Global stock markets continued to be affected by Covid-19, but there was good news mixed among the negative. While the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned the global economic recovery was ‘losing momentum’, markets rallied during the month based on the news that a vaccine was on the way. Pfizer was the first to announce a

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How ESG can support long-term goals

Investing that incorporates ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors in some way are rising. While there are ethical reasons for choosing ESG investments, they can support your long-term financial goals too. Why investing should always focus on the long term When we invest, it should always be with a long-term time frame, at least five

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What has 2020 taught us about investing?

2020 has been an eventful year for investment markets. Impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and government responses to this, there have been many valuable investment lessons that will apply in 2021 and beyond. As the extent of the pandemic became known in March, stock markets around the world suffered sharp falls. In fact, fears of

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